skin diseases

Common skin diseases 

There are hundreds of skin conditions that affect humans. The most common skin conditions can have some symptoms that are similar, so it is important to understand the differences between them.

People should work closely with a dermatologist to diagnose and treat any skin condition to ensure that their lifestyle is not affected. Below are the most common skin diseas separated 
by type.

What are the causes, symptoms, and signs of common noninfectious rashes?

Some common, noninfectious rashes are listed on the following pages. If you have a new rash and you have a fever or some other generalized illness associated with it, it would be best to see your doctor.

Rash Symptoms

Other signs and symptoms that may be associated with rashes include the following:

  • Blister formation
  • Scaling
  • Skin ulceration

Some people may experience the following related rash symptoms and signs:

  • Itching
  • Skin discoloration
  • Bumps on skin


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