Sinus treatment homeopathy

Sinus treatment homeopathy

1. Kali Bichrome- the most common homeopathic medicine for chronic sinusitis

Kali Bichrome or Kali Bi, as it is usually called, is probably the most commonly used Homeopathic medicine for the treatment of Sinusitis. It is very effective in the treatment of chronic sinusitis. It affects the mucous membranes everywhere, more so of the respiratory system and causes inflammation of the membranes. The main distinguishing feature of this homeopathic medicine is that the discharge from the nose is thick, ropy and stringy in character. The mucous is thick and yellowish or greenish yellow in colour. The symptoms are aggravated in the morning. There is stuffiness of the nose and the nose feels blocked, making it difficult to breathe through the nose. There may be bad smell in the nose. Violent sneezing may be present.

2. Hydrastis – one of the best homeopathic remedies for acute sinusitis as well as chronic sinusitis

This is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for the treatment of chronic as well as acute sinusitis. The discharge may be thin and watery as happens in acute sinusitis or thick, yellowish and tenacious when the sinusitis is chronic in nature. There may be bad odor from the nose. There is persistent post nasal discharge, which is again thick and yellowish in colour. There may be dull pain in the frontal region. The patient feels like blowing his nose all the time as the nose seems blocked. At times, patient feels a sense of tickling in the nose, as that of a hair. It causes a lot of weakness in the patient and is therefore quite well suited to tired, weak and lethargic patients.

3. Silicea – best homeopathic medicine for sinusitis when cold aggravates the sinusitis

In this Homeopathic medicine, there is an increased sensitivity to cold and the patient lacks in natural warmth of the body. Slightest exposure to cold air or temperature can create havoc with the system of the patient. Patient feels much better in warmth, a warm room or warm weather and therefore tends to wrap himself in warm clothes or blanket. This increased sensitivity to cold is often manifested as a recurrent cold or inflammation of the sinuses. The discharges are often yellowish or greenish yellow and is more suited to the chronic sinusitis. Sneezing in the morning is a common occurrence. There may be pain in the head or the forehead region and is often felt in the right eye too.

4. Pulsatilla-the homeopathic medicine for chronic sinusitis with green discharge

This patient often feels better in open air and is aggravated in a closed place like a room or a crowded place. Tolerating heat and the summer weather is difficult for the patient. The mental symptom of crying at the slightest reason is a predominant guiding feature of this homeopathic remedy. The discharge from the nose is often greenish or yellowish green. The patient feels thirstless and hardly feels like drinking water. There is pain in the head which is better by lying down or binding the head tightly. The right nostril feels stopped, more so in the evening and there is heaviness or pressing pain at the root of the nose. Sensation of smell is often lost.


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