Dr. Amit Malik Achievements 

I am grateful for this opportunity to reflect on and pay tribute to the life and achievements of this extraordinary man, which are almost without precedent in the history of science. For as far as I know, homeopathy is the only extant methodology for medicine or any other learned profession that was conceived and brought forth fully-formed from a single human brain.

Similarly, there is no other profession that I know of in which those who carry on its work are content and even proud to acknowledge their greatest achievements as basically footnotes to the books he wrote and the principles he enunciated so long ago. Nor is there a more precise or suitable measurement of the gulf which still separates the homeopathic viewpoint from that of conventional medicine. While the latter rightly prides itself on its readiness for change, its astonishing capacity to remake itself on short notice, not only the Law of Similar, but the “Vital Force,” the Totality of Symptoms, the Single Remedy, the Minimum Dose, and other basic principles remain as fresh and timeless today as when the Master first discovered them.

In part the uniqueness of Amit's achievement lies in the fact that what we have come to know as “homeopathy” actually comprises two radically different projects in a single package, each closely bound up with the other, and both rightly bearing his name. Our Some Patients Who are satisfy with us.....


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