Diabetes treatment

Diabetes treatment

One of the first questions most people ask a homeopath is “should I discontinue my medication to start homeopathic treatment?” The answer is a big resounding “NO.” Homeopathic remedies can be taken in conjunction with prescription medications. In time, as general health improves and blood sugar levels are normalized, allopathic medication can be reduced gradually (with the knowledge and support of the doctor who prescribed it in the first place) until it is no longer required. Remember that homeopathy is healing all of you – not just regulating your blood sugar. With patience and perseverance, becoming drug-free is a definite possibility.

Case History:John came to see me after being on diabetes medication for two years. His consultation proceeded like any other – getting to know who he is. The remedy I prescribed was Calcarea Carbonicum. In six months, John felt more energetic, lost some weight and weaned off the medication. With the help of moderate dieting, he was able to maintain his blood sugar level within the normal range.

Homeopathic remedies can cure many illnesses and help you feel happy, motivated and set you on your way to fulfilling your creative potential. While homeopathic remedies have a lot of healing power, one’s lifestyle and circumstances can hinder their healing process. Negative situations, such as an unhappy marriage, unfulfilling job or unfavourable living arrangements can keep you in a state of distress, and as a result keep you ill. Homeopaths believe negative emotions can be as toxic to our bodies as environmental chemicals.

Case History: Negative and unexpressed emotions can contribute to and perpetuate diseases. My five-year-old patient diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes is a great example.

His symptoms of excessive thirst, frequent urination and lethargy had commenced shortly after his mother went back to work and he remained in the care of the paternal grandmother. During the interview, the child’s parents revealed the grandmother was strict, unemotional and sparing with affection. She rarely hugged the child, even when he cried. I told the parents this environment was affecting the child’s psychological health and likely contributing to his illness. The father of the child responded by saying “I was brought up by the same mother and turned out OK. It’s good for him, he needs to toughen up.” Clearly, the boy was being taught that his feelings don’t count and must be suppressed. This in turn was causing his illness. As a result, the homeopathic remedy Calcarea Phosphoricum was helpful in stabilizing this child’s blood sugar to a limited degree. As long as the child was unhappy in his situation, he would remain partially ill. In this case the child had no choice because he was forced to comply with his parents’ wishes.

The good news is that many adults can make difficult changes in their lives more easily after homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic medicine has the capacity to give the emotional strength needed to make positive changes, such as leaving a limiting job or a dead-end relationship.

Mild cases of diabetes can be successfully managed by eliminating certain carbohydrates and sugars from the diet. Others find that simply losing weight allows their blood sugar to regulate naturally. Strict dieting is a way of life for many diabetics. When treated homeopathically, these individuals find they can consume the occasional restricted foods without suffering the consequences. While homeopathic treatment targets the whole person, the digestive organs, pancreas, kidneys, and all other systems gradually improve to regain normal functioning.

During the last century, medical science has made great advances. Potentially fatal illnesses such as tuberculosis, pneumonia and diabetes are now routinely treated, and transplant surgeries have given life and mobility to thousands. Despite all the great discoveries and advances, many chronic illnesses such as psoriasis, arthritis, migraines and the like remain difficult to treat.

Perhaps the reason for this is that as conventional medicine journeys further down the microscope of scientific discovery, it is losing sight of the fact that the cells they are examining belong to human beings. Homeopathy recognizes this and treats each individual as a whole being. Our emotions, experiences, relationships, family, occupation and position in the community influence causation and perpetuation of disease.


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